There are several reasons we cancel different things from our consumption.
Your love for a happy hour with amazing cocktails should not have to go away to keep that beautiful skin. A few of my favorites are extremely beneficial to our skincare journey.
Red wine happens to be full of antioxidants which of course helps with aging and restores collagen. I'm sure we all want that skin that's plump and springs back making us look young for forever.
For all of my Gin and Tonic lovers, guess what!? You don't have to say goodbye completely. By having a glass of this beloved cocktail you are actually improving your blood circulation. Because Gin is made from juniper berries it make this beverage not only good to you but good for you.
Don't think I forgot about you beer lovers. If reducing acne wasn't enough beer is said to balance the ph in your skin. That's right when drank in moderation and safely you could actually be helping balance all these fun hormones.
Who would have thought you could kill two birds with one act of a safe fun night in or happy hour out. When thinking about your skincare routine keep in mind the things you are putting in your body as well.
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